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"The Office: The Opera" coming soon
12th August 2009
The operatic adaptation of one of the world's most successful TV shows of all time, joked about in Ricky and Steve's Comic Relief 2009 sketch, is heading to the stage for a one-off extended public production. The gallery of Proud Camden in London will host "The Office: The Opera" on Wednesday August 19th, with all proceeds going to Comic Relief. Watch the original sketch here for a taster.

The Office Night - Trailer
12th August 2009
As if we weren't excited enough for the forthcoming BBC2 special dedicated to the cast reunion of The Office, Ricky has released a short teaser trailer on his website to hype us further. Featuring brief appearances by Martin Freeman, Mackenzie Crook, Lucy Davis, a host of celebrity names and of course Gerv & Smerch, it serves exclusively to wet our appetites. View it here on Ricky's front page.

Ricky's Blog - Week 79
11th August 2009
Ricky's weekly blog updates continue as he posts a lengthy entry for Week 79, August 2009, wherein he reveals information about a Sky One interview with modern dandy Alex Zane, provides us with details about the forthcoming BBC2 special "A Night At The Office", and links to the T4 interview available online. View the latest post here.

Scared of Scots
10th August 2009
Giving us an insight into the world of stand-up comedy, Ricky has revealed to the Daily Record that he was made to fear Scottish audiences before starting his Animals tour in 2003. "Before I went there, people kept saying: 'Ooh, if they don't like you in Scotland, they'll let you know.' I was thinking: 'Jesus, what do they do? Is there a cage?' And they were the loveliest, most responsive crowds." Read the full article here.

DOWNLOAD - T4 Interview
9th August 2009
The first part of Ricky and Steve's interview with Miquita Oliver is now online, you can watch it in HD on YouTube or download the video file in MP4 format from MegaUpload. Part two will be broadcast next Sunday.

Gervais on lying
9th August 2009
Guardian writer and psychologist Robert Feldman has obtained a quote from Ricky on the subject of telling fibs for an editorial piece analysing "the truth about lying", a subject oddly similar to Gervais' much-anticipated film The Invention of Lying. His contribution can be found at the end of this article.

Little Ricky
8th August 2009
He may have grown upwards a little and out a lot, but the cheeky expression and parted hair are unmistakable. This picture of Ricky with his mum, dad and two siblings was revealed in The Sun newspaper as part of an article on Cemetery Junction, the full size picture can be seen here.

Bromantic Comedy
8th August 2009
In a teaser for their appearance on Channel 4's youth show T4 this Sunday (9th August) to promote the currently in post-production Cemetery Junction, Ricky reveals the difficulties romantic leads have playing opposite heartthrob Stephen Merchant. View the clip here

Brett Pilkington
6th August 2009
Given how little we've heard from Karl since the end of the The Ricky Gervais Guide To... Series One, you may be forgiven for thinking Karl had adopted a disguise, changed his name to Brett and fled the country, but worry not! According to rickygervais.com not only is a second series of the Guide to... audiobooks on the way, but the animated HBO series is also well into production, meaning we should be seeing plenty of our favourite shaved chimp come Autumn '09.