15 November 2003

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Ricky--"A retrocut there--Thin Lizzy, Don't Believe A Word" "c'mon Karl--up up up Karl!" Suzanne's big arse--Karl says she heard him say it last week. He was okay until Thursday, when he mentioned to her that her doppelganger "definitely wouldn't have a haircut like yours" ouch...recall that a couple weeks ago Karl said Suzanne's haircut made her look like Dave Hill of Slade. On today's show--Karl in Films, Monkey News, Rockbusters. The usual twaddle. Steve brings out a VH-1 Pop Culture survey. Top 100 Pop Culture Icons of all time. Of course this will turn out to be a rubbish survey, as Ricky says, "whatever's big at the moment" A recap of the list...number 3 is Elvis, 9 is Robbie Williams, Jimmy Dean way down at 22. David Beckham somehow at #1. Brit Bias Ricky says. The Office is at #66. What might be lower than THEM, Steve asks Ricky. Superman? Ricky says higher. No...lower. Ludicrous says Ricky. Neil Armstrong? Lower. Ricky got this right. After the first one he senses a trend. Sharp lad. Tom Cruise? Lower. Right again Someone sends them a "shout-out" request. When did we start this? one of them asks. Monkey News--Jonathan Ross had one about a Monkey on a Bus. Karl would have it driving the bus to France or Spain or sommat. Steve-"How is Jonathan Ross? All right?" Ricky LOL. Steve-"Ricky was on JR's show last night. Two pals having a laugh. Do his kids come up to you and say, 'Uncle Ricky--do the little dance!'" And then to make it worse, on the show, JR gave Ricky a cat. Ricky named it "Ollie" Ricky just celebrated his birthday. Steve might get invited to the party some year. ROCKBUSTERS time: Steve reads the prizes. Lots of stuff on VHS of course. Ricky-"A pile of rubbish!" Cryptic clues and initials: 1. If you go to a chaps (?) store you will... S. 2. ET is upset--what's up with him? ...M.E. 3. I had a tape with, uh (Ricky--JESUS!)...uh, Humpty Dumpty, Hickory Dickory Dock on it, but I broke it. What's going on there?...B.R. The clues change every time he reads them.

Story time with Steve...He's forced to take the Tube. Embarrassing--all those posters in the Tube with Steve and Ricky on them. Karl moved in closer so he could walk everywhere. Steve won't let Ricky's birthday party alone. "Can I come to next year's birthday party and just wear the waiter outfit?" Karl--"I'm just interested in weird stuff.....a little gay fella an' that" Karl--the last carriage on the Northern Line on a late Sat. night--it's like the 'gay carriage.' Ricky--"how'd ya know that?" Karl--"Someone told me" Steve then recalls an encounter, accidentally, he had at about age 16. He discovered two guys doing each other, and he exclaimed in surprise, "OH, EFF me!" "NO-Don't!" Then he ran out. His main point--"I wasn't notified!" All he wants is for someone to give him fair warning of these places. So, he's annoyed at that.