Christmas Special Part 1

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The Office Christmas Specials are two 45-minute episodes which conclude the series. They were first shown in the United Kingdom on December 26th and 27th 2003.


Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

A different documentary team returns to Wernham Hogg to revisit the stories of the staff, and to see how their lives have changed since the series aired. After his redundancy, David has become a travelling salesman, although he tries to avoid titling himself as such. He released his own single using the money from his redundancy package, and now makes extra income from embarassing nightclub appearances alongside very minor celebrities on the circuit. Dawn and Lee are now in Florida, living with Lee’s sister rent-free, while bouncing from job to job to support themselves. Back in Slough, Gareth has become general manager, though still does not receive the respect his authoritative position deserves. Tim remains at his desk, but now with an obnoxious, pregnant colleague whom he appears to despise. Although no longer connected to the company, David Brent still makes regular visits to see his old employees, much to the disdain of Neil, and even Gareth due to its breach of company policy. It is apparent that David yearns to be back in his old job. Back in Florida, the programme makers offer to fly Dawn and Lee back to England for the office Christmas Party. Dawn pretends to be reserved about this information, although it is clear that she is excited about the prospect of a reuinion with her old friends.