Karl's Schoolmates

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In the 02 March 2002 show, Ricky and Steve present Karl with a list of names from his childhood, found on FriendsReunited.co.uk. After hearing each name, Karl would try to remember the person.

Alyson Birch

"Posh; probably did pretty well in history an' that."

Sarah Morris

"God, yeah. Remember her. She was alright, she was a popular one. She was nice."

Darren Buckley

One of Karl's best mates. Darren's father once accused Darren and Karl of using drugs because he had found a Skittle (a sweet or candy) in Darren's room and thought it was a sort of drug.

Debbie Carr

"Yeah, she was, uh... she was another nice one. She was one of them that you'd sort of... go, she's nice but she'd never be your girlfriend. Even though she was in the same year, she seemed a lot older."
When Karl was playing "punching people in the arm," Debbie and her friends would be like the Charlie's Angels sorting a mission out somewhere. She hung out with the older-looking kids that "had beards."

Adam Clifton

"He was one of them kids. He was alright, but... he had that thing when um... if you didn't have enough milk. He had like, uh, wrinkly hands and... white bits in his nails."
In his FriendsReunited.co.uk profile Adam wrote: "Karl Pilkington with his pet bird. Was it a magpie? I can't remember. He brought it to school to show everybody and it flew away." This sparked Karl to talk about his pet magpie, Maggie.

It's only taken me 4 years to come across this post :-) What gives with the 'wrinkly hands' and the 'white bits in the nails' *lol* I suppose it makes it more entertaining, but I thought Karl would've remembered more than that when asked... In regards to 'Maggie' I can remember Mrs Turner walking us around the back of the School through the Assembly Hall (why do I remember that) Elliot Coker was definitely there and Neil Swain... Karl took Maggie out of a box and showed the magpie to everyone... I think it just got nervous and flew away... I can remember us all watching it go and expecting Maggie to come back, but it never did...

And there was more entertaining things I remember about hangin' out with Karl, Like the CB he had in his room... he'd have his own 'handle' (can't remember what is was now) and he'd talk to the truckers or anyone else who was out there, I remember is being hilarious at the time... Playing Commando on his Sinclair ZX Spectrum. The Go-Kart Karl had... we had to bump start it and drove it up and down Thirsk Ave, coz his Dad wouldn't let him take it out of the road he lived on... I'd sometimes Help Karl deliver his papers on his newspaper round... he'd never give me any money for helping out though *lol*

If I remember any more stories I'll add them here :-)

Adam Clifton [Edited: 26/06/08]

Lisa Shufflebothom

"She wasn't that nice, but she wanted me. And as she got older, she went a bit off. She's probably nice now."
Lisa and her mate Rachael once fought over Karl in a P.E. activity. They both wanted to be Karl's partner.

Allison Thorpe

"Not sure about her. I sort of know the name... can't put a face to it."

Damien Comer

"Again... know the name... can't remember anything."

See also