Podcast - Bonus Disc

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Bonus Podcast from The Ricky Gervais Show Series One CD

Released November 13 2006

The first series of The Ricky Gervais Show was released in a special 3-CD box set for the iPod-less. It included a special hour of bonus material from Ricky, Steve and Karl.

The extra podcast begins with a continuation of the "Inside the Actor's Studio" questions that Steve first put to Karl during the Podfather trilogy. Karl says that he doesn't have a favorite noise because some noises that are considered to be pleasant can signal doom for other creatures. He says also that laughter is not always a nice noise because if he awoke to the sound of a baby laughing it would be utterly terrifying. Later, Karl reveals that he wouldn't want to donate his eyes after he dies because he doesn't want to be a blind ghost.


"Normally birds are nice noises that I like. Yet, there's a bird going about wrecking lives." - Karl has an existential crisis after seeing a bird eat a worm

"I live in London. If I woke up and heard the sea, I'd be worried." - Karl

"You've done well an' that in your life. You never did anybody any harm. So, welcome to heaven. Any problems give us a shout. Here's a little layout of the area..." - what Karl would like God to say to him when he gets to heaven