Radio 2 Shows

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The dawn of a new age - Karl at the BBC. Despite not having announced employment there, he worked the desks and appeared in these Christmas shows hosted by Ricky and Steve standing in for Jonathan Ross on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve 2005, while also hosting three shows with Russell Brand on the 26th, 27th and 28th of December on BBC 6Music. Early in 2006, he begun working as producer on Brand's Sunday morning shows on the same station.

The Radio 2 shows with Ricky and Steve have something of a Christmas theme, including Karl recounting the tale of the "Victoria Plum" gnome he bought for his mother, which she hated.


Intros, Karl's head, Steve insults, Fellas with big heads & webbed hands, Karl's appearance on Politics DVD, Christmas chat - Antiques shopping with Karl, Karl's XFM leaving gift - camera for Suzanne, Condoms for Christmas, public reaction to camera gift, Victoria Plum,
