Crusaders: Difference between revisions

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(Creation of page with main story details from 9-11-2002 show.)
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Revision as of 10:19, 27 November 2007

Crusaders was a Christian Youth Club held on a Friday and a Sunday in the Manchester area during Karl's childhood. After using a swear word in front of his young friend who threatened to tell on him, Karl went along one Friday evening and found to his delight that Friday's activities included Subbuteo and Table Tennis in a big house. Karl discovered that if you went for 4 weeks in a row you got a badge. However, after the first time Karl went on a Friday evening, he went again on a Sunday only to find to his horror that the more churchy side of the club was prominent after they started handing out bibles. Karl decided to only turn up on the fun day Friday and didn't think he'd get missed on the Sunday sessions. However, the manager of the group did find out and kept coming round to Karl's house to get him to come along. After missing him several times, he was later found on the street one Sunday by the manager who took him to the session in his Mini. However, after mounting the kerb with Karl and his 2 friends in the rear and nearly killing them, Karl used this an excuse not to go again for fear of crashing again.