Talk:Main Page Test

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Revision as of 16:42, 4 July 2008 by Justjoe4life (talk | contribs)
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Okay, so I'm pretty happy with what I've got so far. But, I have some queries:

  • I can't find a good way to get the poll on here; the shape of it is just weird and unnatural.
  • Do we need forum news anymore? It doesn't look like it's being updated.
  • Do we need the index at the bottom?

--Squeek 09:31, 4 July 2008 (BST)

couple super quick thoughts
1. i like it :)

2. could the poll go where the rewind box is, and the rewind box get reconfigured to be more wide and thin and in the left column, under the news? maybe the pilki FM box could also be redone so it could get put in the left column to even things out a bit.. the poll should stay bc we really do get a lot of votes so people must like it.

3. we need to update the 6music logo (the one next to karl's pic)

4. i like the pics but karl's seems a little less "proper" (is it a screengrab?)

5. i don't think we need the index IF we can add to the navigation section, or have Nigel do it i mean.

6. forum news noooooo

7. my fav thing on the page is what you did with the pic of the 3 of them for the welcome section. love love it. Steve is King 14:03, 4 July 2008 (BST)

  • If we really want to keep forum news could it just go under the regular news (or rewind info if it gets moved)? It wouldn't have individual headlines, just quick blips in a bulleted format. Maybe a pic to the left if the column is too wide and thing end up looking sparse.--Knockinabout 15:04, 4 July 2008 (BST)
i'd love to see the forum news go. it was a pain to update and i had zero proof anyone ever read it, so i put a generalised box up months ago. if somebody feels excited about keeping it updated regularly, i'd say keep it. i ain't that somebody.. Steve is King 15:43, 4 July 2008 (BST)

is this actually what we are going to have as the main page as it is?'s proper busy i can imagine a first-timer being incredably intimidated by it, the boxes all merge into each other and there isnt any nice simple professional lookign white spaces like the current one- i dont know if these are are issues that would be adressed anyway before making it proper the lack of any gaps between the right hand column sections means they are not easily distingushed between......obviously i know nothign about the development of this page and dont wanna be negative but i'm just speaking up incase we were thinking of fast-tracking it to the main-page as's got potential though...sorry for popping up just to moan...--Chinchilla 16:15, 4 July 2008 (BST)

Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'll definitely try to fit the poll in somehow (I like it too, but it's just a bit of a pain to try to bung it in). And, chinch, I was thinking the same thing. It is quite busy (especially that right-hand-side column. Maybe just increasing the whitespace between everything might help a bit. Oh, and that pic of Karl is not a screengrab, but it is pretty terrible looking. It's almost like a cartoon/drawing. I'll keep searching for a better one. --Squeek 17:03, 4 July 2008 (BST)

I like it, agree about the white space, The section headings could maybe be more distinct, as it's a little hard to differentiate, but otherwise I like the new look. I added a new shaped poll on my page, not sure if it'll be easier to fit in, but it's not as cumbersome as the one on there now.

Poll - Scott Hanson