Tip the balance

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"Tip the Balance" is a proposed board game and brainchild of Ricky Gervais which was originally cooked-up during the XFM early years shows (pre-Pilkington).

According to Ricky there were "teething problems" with the game, which he proclaimed he would be sending to the team at Waddingtons, a popular board game manaufacturer but the basic rules of "Tip the Balance" were as follows.

Four contestants, each with their own bowl is required to literally tip the balance on a set of scales by filling their bowl with bodily secretions. Gervais mused that there would also be a wildcard involved which each player could play once in a game. This card would allow the contestant to fill their bowl with contents of another, rival contestants. However, the transfer of these unpleasant substances would have to be done via the card-holders mouth.

To this day, Waddingtons are yet to commission the game.