Extras Episode 7

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Plot with quotes

Orlando blooms acts out in a ridiculous court scene drama ending with him snogging his wife the defence attorney. Maggie (Ashley Jensen) is one of the jurors, and catches Orlando's eyes as he is being surrounded by simpering ladies. Orlando walks over and Maggie asks him if all the attention is exhausting,

Maggie: Especially because they're just doing it because you're famous

Orlando: Well they're not doing it just because i'm famous

Maggie: No but it is though isn't it?

Orlando: No, it's my looks as well

Orlando lands a scathing attack on Johnny Depp "Willy wonka? Johnny wanker!"

Onto the filmset and Andy's having misgivings about the comedy he's written and is acting lead in. "It's not what i set out to do". Darren Lamb (Stephen Merchant) puts it down to first night nerves, telling not to worry because the morons who can't change the channel after Eastenders will help him win the rating war. Darren attempts to persuade Andy to be replaced by Barry (Shaun Williamson).

An actor drops out, the head of comedy at the bbc replaces him with Keith Chegwin, for "kitsch value".

Maggie meets an old friend who unassumingly puts her down at every possible moment.

Keith can't seem to grasp acting. "There's a lot to remember isn't there"

Maggie's friend continues to put her down. She tries to get her a part in a film she turned down and so rings up the producer, asking her "Does she have to be attractive...ooh ok" describing Maggie as "late 30s early 40s".

Keith comes for a chat with Andy. "Still run by jews and queers is it?". "What could be more normal than shoving your cock up a blokes arse?"

Orlando has another go at Johnny Depp "He's boring, he's a prat"

Andy gets persuaded to wear oversize glasses and a curly wig "Curly is funny!" Orlando fails to woo Maggie with a kiss, leaving her friend disgruntled.

Andy feels he is being pressurized by the bbc to change to sitcom from his vision of how he wanted it to be. The head of comedy at the bbc and his assisstant (homosexuals?) remind him of the money they have invested in his idea, and they'll take the show in whatever direction they want.

Andy: So basically i'm not going to prostitute myself anymore, or my work ok? I'm sick of people coming along, telling me

how they think it should be done, and me just having to bend over and take it up the arse

Darren: Woah

(Darren enters)

Darren: May i just say no disrespect to either of you erm as gays err, we don't know if you're givers or recievers, very

difficult to tell just from looking at you, although if i was putting money on it i'd probably go with...

Andy: You don't need to put

Darren: No, no ahem

Andy: money on it


Barry loses his dignity by attempting to rob the catering stall at the rehearsals.

On the filming night, Andy tries to convince himself through talking to Maggie that a comedy is good if it manages to please everybody. "I think comedy should be as broad as possible." Darren tries to sneak Barry in as Ray Stokes if Andy wasn't feeling up to it. Andy acts as Ray, and stoops to his percieved lowest denominator by repeating catchphrase "Are you havin' a laugh" in order to gain laughs.